Plans for Layer 2

Hello, this post is more to explain where The Hunt will be going from this point forward.

Currently The Hunt only has one of what I am calling "Layers", which are essentially sections of the information to discover, each one separated by a hidden password and subsequent 'login' screen. Eventually I intend to add "Branches" which are essentially different main pages with their own layers, for example currently there is only the I.M.P Branch, where the backdoor leads. At some point I plan to add more Branches, such as the X.A.C.O.L, Xenon Corporation, Micallef Branch Office, and Omnicron Branch Office. Of course all these branches tie together, meaning you'll likely have to explore a different branch to find a Code you need. This is how The Hunt will be structured, but as it is an HTML based game, anyone can skip layers, although it will be rewarding to do it without skipping, I also plan to add a debug page by putting in a specific phrase into the Login screens.

What to expect in the Layer 2 Update?

Specifically for the Layer 2 Update I plan to reorganize and properly make the CSS document to help with how everything is formatted, fix it early before everything depends on it. 

Secondly the Backdoor hosts the actual archive to prevent having multiple tabs open at once, it also is planned to add a text box above the web host where someone can put phrases, for example a page title, to receive a hint or similar, this is due to the fact that I intend to use some encryptions later on that may or may not be too difficult.

Lastly the amount of content for The Hunt will practically square in size, since each new page leads to a new page. I should be able to get it done within a month, so In the meantime, don't let the mafia beat you!

Get X.A.C.O.L The Hunt

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